Sony and Honda launch Afeela electric car brand. Here's what the name means

 American-made electric sedan coming in 2026

Sony and Honda hope you're feeling their new car company's name.

The tech and auto giants created Sony Honda Mobility last year to develop an electric vehicle brand and announced at CES on Wednesday that it will be called Afeela.

"Afeela expresses an interactive relationship where people "feel" mobility as an intelligent entity, and mobility "feels" people and society using sensing and network IT technologies," the company said.


Afeela will begin selling cars in 2026. (AP Photo/John Locher)

The four-door sedan features simple styling that is equipped with a massive suite of electronics.

The Afeela sedan has 45 sensors on it. (Afeela)

It includes 45 sensors made by Sony inside and out that include cameras, radar and lidar to enable its safety, semi-autonomous driving and interactive systems.

The Afeela's interior has a widescreen digital display and video sideview mirrors. (Afeela)


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